Detailed online map of Turkey with cities and regions on the website and in the Yandex Maps mobile app. Road map and driving directions on the Turkey map.
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Yandex Maps will help you find your destination even if you don't have the exact address — get a route for taking public transport, driving, or walking.
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Search for an address or the best places nearby both online and offline. Yandex Maps provides information about organizations and helps you reach your ...
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Yandex Maps is the ultimate app for navigating the city around you. Yandex Maps is packed with useful features that can help you get around with comfort and ...
The service provides detailed maps of the whole world, directions and estimated times of arrival for driving, walking, cycling, kick scooter, and public ...
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Yandex Navigator is the perfect companion for drivers. It helps you find your way around the city with fast, convenient directions that avoid traffic jams ...
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Yandex Maps is the ultimate app for navigating the city around you. Yandex Maps is packed with useful features that can help you get around with comfort and ...
Dec 11, 2018 · Every significant military facility in Israel and Turkey was just exposed by a Russian mapping service ... The obscured sites on Yandex Maps' web- ...